Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome Josiah Burton

I'm sitting in my hospital bed tonight marveling at this beautiful creation the Lord has given us. He's laying there w/ his eyes wide open - all swaddled and probably getting hungry soon. Such a beautiful little boy - he even has two dimples just like his big sister has!

Now for the story . . . Chris and I went in to the hospital yesterday @ 4pm. They started me on the cervidil @ 6pm and we settled in for the night. Had some good friends of mine come and visit, had my "last supper" and then tried to get some sleep. Cervidil came out at 5am and the pitocin was started @ 5:45. At around 8am I was starting to get pretty uncomfortable w/ the contractions and by 8:30 felt like I wanted to push w/ each contraction. After 10 minutes of pushing out came Josiah! He had the cord wrapped around his neck once but because it was pretty tight they had to do some re-susatation and so for the first 2 minutes I didn't even know what we had! He was pretty white and peely . . . evidence of being in the womb for so long. But he's nice and pink now with his skin recooperating quite fine.

The coolest part of the delivery for me . . . besides seeing him born . . . was talking w/ the doctor afterwards. She must have heard the worship music we had playing in the background because she asked where we went to church. We spoke a bit and then before she left she asked if she could pray for us. It was the sweetest prayer for Chris and I and little Josiah. Afterwards she told me she asks to pray for all her patients after they deliver, but that is special to pray with a sister. I really felt like if all this junk w/ my doctor was just so that I could have this blessing it was all worth it.

Born @ 9:05 am
He was 7lbs 12 oz

21 inches long

Thank you for your love for the Burton Family! I'll post pictures up soon!


Annie said...

congrats! I'm so happy for you! I hope I have a little boy someday.

jenni anne said...

congratulations!!! i can't wait to see some pictures!!

Danna said...

Congrats Burton family!! I love your story, it brought a tear to my eye. God's blessings are amazing.

Andrea said...

How exciting!! I love his name too...congrats and we'll be looking forward to some pictures of your new little miracle!

george edwin smith said...

That is SO AWESOME! God's best blessings to you all!

-george & maria