Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the time draws near . . .

Monday was a long and frustrating day. On Sunday evening I spoke w/ my doctor (who was on her way home from a trip up north) to tell her that I wanted to check on the baby before making any further decisions regarding inductions. She called me back letting me know that was fine but that she was leaving the country early Tuesday morning. WHAT the HECK. I was NOT very pleased w/ that because that was the first I had heard anything about her leaving - again, but what do you do?

SO . . . had an ultrasound yesterday and another NST. Everything came back normal w/ the baby doing fine. A little low on the amniotic fluid, but otherwise good. We went to the doctors office afterwords for an exam and I couldn't WAIT to get out of there. She kept going on & on about the "risks" and then asking me how I was doing . . . & did I have any questions. (We had told her already that we were going to wait and be seen by the other doctors she works with). I left frustrated with the whole situation and battling fear. Not a good place for an expectant mother to be in.

She left for almost a month yesterday morning and I'm just glad to have her gone. She is a great labor & delivery doctor, but unfortunately I won't ever have her as my OB again. Mainly because of the way she handled this situation. I feel like she used the "possibility" of something going wrong to try to get me to induce when it wasn't necessary. There was never any real reason for her to induce me this whole time, just "what ifs" and really for her own convenience because she was leaving and I didn't even know about that! I would have probably gone with a different doctor if I had known she was going to be gone only 10 days after my due date!

Tuesday was a much better day. I went into the other doctors office (there are 3 who work out of that office) and met w/ the on-call doctor. His name is Dr. Murphy and he's been practicing for about 40 years. I prayed that morning that the Lord would bring about peace through my meeting with the doctor and that's exactly what happened. Dr. Murphy was so kind and didn't incite fear at all. When he was done answering our questions and giving us his opinion he sat back and just asked us what we would like to do. It was so different than the anxious driven conversation we had with my doctor. We already knew we wanted to give this baby until Friday . . . so we only made one little adjustment. We are going in today at 4pm to start on the cervidil (which should help soften my cervix) overnight and then start the pitocin in the morning.

I am a bit nervous, of course, but at the same time I have a peace that we are making the right decision.


Danna said...

How frustrating Tara! Good for you for going with your instincts. Your in my prayers....maybe baby will come before the pitocin is started! I am sure that is what you are hoping for!

Dominique said...

Thanks Tara for the update.
I understand your frustrations with the doctor. So glad you and Chris decided to wait and not rush to be induced last week. You guys are in my prayers as well. Much love :)

Unknown said...

love love love. You're almost there! I'm praying for you and baby.