Sunday, June 1, 2008

is it June already?

It was a busy week . . . Chris was home, but out of commission from Tuesday - Friday. He was sick and in bed - so I felt like I was soloing it again! But he is better and both Elizabeth & I are happy to have him back, again!

Elizabeth is very much into kissing. Kissing us, asking us for kisses, kissing inanimate objects . . . today she was kissing the wall. Her hands are healing up very nicely . . . we took the bandage off off the right hand yesterday!


Anonymous said...

Sooo glad she's better...kissing is so sweet! Why can't I be sweet all the time..just like a child. Why do I get sassy??? Kaelin helps me remember to be childlike and Christlike often!

Andrea said...

Isn't it the cutest when they love to give kisses and hugs? :) I know my son LOOOVES kisses and hugs right now too...most of them are reserved for his baby sister now though! It is so sweet. I bet your little girl will love to give kisses to her baby sister or brother once he/she arrives too!