Monday, May 26, 2008


Ellie said her own name for the first time today! I asked her where her name was (she has a drawing of her name hanging on the wall) and instead of pointing to it like she usually does she said "Ewwie". It was so awesome to hear her say her own name. And she even did it for her daddy when he got home!

BTW - I received my stroller last week that I won . . . it's so nice. I'll write more about that later!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Burton update

Ellie had a great day today. She was very aware of her "owies" all day and she received lots of kisses from us both. But she wasn't very cranky at all and did remarkably well when we took her into Urgent Care and they put some amazing ointment (Silver Sulfadiazine) on her and bandaged her up. We almost left w/o one tear.

Chris said the left hand had a blister on it the size of a golf ball during the night before popping on it's own. It still has quite a blister, but is healing up nicely.

Ellie "helped" me clean her new dresser today. A neighbor gave it to us . . . unfortunately it has a little bit of sun & water damage since it had been in his truck for 2 weeks and then it rained last night. So in the future I may refinish it - but until then it's great for 2 kids and I already filled the drawers up w/ the new baby's clothes!

This week's task is to set up the bassinet and make sure my bags are packed and ready to go - we're going to have another baby again soon!

baby burns

Ellie had her first major accident last night. Chris was holding her while BBQing and before he had time to think she smacked her hands on the BBQ lid. Poor baby. Her right hand isn't so bad, but the left hand has blisters on it. I had her the first half of the night and Chris has been sleeping w/ her in the recliner since 4am. She cries out in pain every so often. I called my nurse friend before bed to see if there was anything more we could be doing for her - but she let me know besides topical ointments, bandaging and alternating tylenol & motrin there wasn't a whole lot to be done.

The worst of the pain seems to be almost over - then the healing process will be in full swing. It's been a sleepless night - but one I'm glad to have if it means she is being comforted.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

counting the days

It's kind of lonely . . . just me and the kid. I've seen plenty of people and we've done plenty of stuff to keep ourselves busy. . . but it's just not the same when evening comes and we are eating dinner w/o Chris. Only 2 more days until he's home and tomorrow I'll talk to him for the first time in two days. He & Micah have been in the wilderness the past two days . . . spoke w/ him briefly on Monday and he'll call tomorrow when he has cell service!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

missing daddy

Little Ellie Rose wakes her daddy up most days by going over to our bed, asking to get up and then giving him hugs. Of course, he's not here so we haven't been doing that. Today Ellie took me in there by the finger w/ her moose-puppet on one hand and motioned to be put up on the bed. I put her up there just to see what she would do. It was so sweet - it almost made me cry! She could see he wasn't in bed, but she lifted up the pillow trying to find him.

She's so sweet - I miss him too and can't wait for him to come back . . . soon!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

almost the mid-way point!

I am tired . . . Chris has been gone for 6 days now . . . only 5 more days to go.

It's been good. Ellie has a hard time in the evenings . . . she misses her daddy time - but I've had SO much wonderful help! My friend Amy came over twice this week to take her off my hands for a few hours. What an absolute blessing it was! Our friends Mark & Marcy took us out for dinner last night and this Monday she is spending the night at Grandma's. I've had so many other offers of help and am so grateful for them all!

Ellie's sleeping pretty well. I think she may be going through some night terrors b/c she wakes up screaming at least once in the middle of the night and it doesn't take long to calm her down and rock her to sleep - but I hope this doesn't last too much longer!

I've almost accomplished all of my diaper making. Yes, I am making hemp/fleece diapers for the new baby. Prefolds, so they are pretty easy to make and not too time consuming. I think I have about half a dozen to make and I'll be all done!

Now it's off to bed, as soon as I finish one more diaper!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Locked Out

Chris and I locked ourselves out of our house on Saturday. We got home @ 8pm - just in time to put Ellie to bed and then didn't get her into bed until 10pm!

Today Ellie and I were doing some stuff in the garage and when I came back I hung up my keys and decided to go back outside, shutting the door and locking us out AGAIN! That was @ 11am. We got back in @ 12:45. Poor little Ellie . . . she enjoyed herself for the first hour or so, but those last 30 minutes she was crying and knocking on her own door, doing the sign to eat. It was so hard to not be able to explain to her what was going on. She just didn't understand!

Good news is the AAA guy had a key for our house, he let us in and then gave it to us. I don't even have to go get a spare made now!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Favorite Quote of the Day

Chris' words in describing his first impressions of Alaska to me, "It's like Colorado on steroids".

I told him he has to take us all back up there with him one day.

All alone, again. . .

Chris is gone once again! This time for 10 days . . . Chris left this morning to fly to Alaska for my brother Micah's high school graduation. It's supposed to be beautiful up there this time of year AND they are going on a 4 day camping trip at the end of the week.

Almost jealous, except that I definitely would NOT want to be 8 months pregnant on a plane & way up in Alaska.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Food . . . yum!

I LOVE my Deceptively Delicious cookbook! Last night I made the couscous (hidden ingredients were yellow squash & carrots) and everyone LOVED it! I also made peanut butter & banana muffins (hidden ingredient was cauliflower) and they are fabulous!

My freezer now has a container FULL of different purees! It's just like when I made baby food for Ellie!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

3rd Trimester Woes

Restless Sleep
Potty Breaks
Swollen Feet
Late Night Cravings
BIG & Tired

Only 5 more weeks to go!