Saturday, May 24, 2008

Burton update

Ellie had a great day today. She was very aware of her "owies" all day and she received lots of kisses from us both. But she wasn't very cranky at all and did remarkably well when we took her into Urgent Care and they put some amazing ointment (Silver Sulfadiazine) on her and bandaged her up. We almost left w/o one tear.

Chris said the left hand had a blister on it the size of a golf ball during the night before popping on it's own. It still has quite a blister, but is healing up nicely.

Ellie "helped" me clean her new dresser today. A neighbor gave it to us . . . unfortunately it has a little bit of sun & water damage since it had been in his truck for 2 weeks and then it rained last night. So in the future I may refinish it - but until then it's great for 2 kids and I already filled the drawers up w/ the new baby's clothes!

This week's task is to set up the bassinet and make sure my bags are packed and ready to go - we're going to have another baby again soon!

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