Saturday, May 24, 2008

baby burns

Ellie had her first major accident last night. Chris was holding her while BBQing and before he had time to think she smacked her hands on the BBQ lid. Poor baby. Her right hand isn't so bad, but the left hand has blisters on it. I had her the first half of the night and Chris has been sleeping w/ her in the recliner since 4am. She cries out in pain every so often. I called my nurse friend before bed to see if there was anything more we could be doing for her - but she let me know besides topical ointments, bandaging and alternating tylenol & motrin there wasn't a whole lot to be done.

The worst of the pain seems to be almost over - then the healing process will be in full swing. It's been a sleepless night - but one I'm glad to have if it means she is being comforted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My goodness! I'm glad she's oK>>>how scary!