Thursday, April 8, 2010

I like tea

I've always enjoyed drinking tea but since having my children I have need just a little bit of caffeine in the mornings and another boost in the afternoons to effectively get through my day. Sometimes I treat myself to a nice cup of decaffeinated tea in the evenings too. Rooibos is always nice. I have a couple of good friends from South Africa who introduced me to Rooibos (pronounced Roy-bos).

My children enjoy tea as well. We've had a couple of tea parties with Ellie's tea set. Complete with milk & sugar and everything ending up all over the floor as well! Tea parties w/ a rambunkcious 21 month old is messy though! I have to have a towel at my side to clean up all this spills!

So does it matter what kind of tea I give my children? I don't know much about it and have really only been giving them the rooibos tea - but I know that there are specific teas out there for children I just don't know if it's worth it to go out and spend the money on them!

I also have some mint growing in my backyard ... need to find a good recipe for making fresh mint tea ... and anything else mint is good for - hate to see it just going to waste!

1 comment:

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

Tara, I have seen tea in the natural food stores made especially for children. I have bought some tummy tea that I gave to my girls when they had upset tummies.
I have also just given them some organic fruit teas.

Check out this website: It has teas especially made for children. Love it!

I love that you are having tea parties with your kiddos. Such GREAT memories you are making
