Sunday, August 16, 2009

Turning off the computer

I'm finally doing it! Turning off the computer for the whole week. I was actually inspired by my friend Laura Komarek ('Lil Dasies) who did this very thing quite awhile ago. This evening I will be officially shutting it down and not opening it again until next Sunday evening. This actually applies to movies too. I'm not going to put on a quick movie to distract the kids when I need to get something done. I'll actually need to be CREATIVE!!

During this week I'm hoping to actually get some things accomplished around the house including keeping it clean! I also hope to be more focused and purposeful in what I do with the children. I'm also specifically going to be thinking and praying about the tools I currently use as communication & if I should change anything I'm currently doing. I'm actually looking forward to unplugging - even though I know that I will probably go through withdrawls!!

I'll blog about my experience next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes...I'm still plugged in as you can tell!

Did I ever tell you to check out No time for flashcards? It's a great blog with LOTS of cool, creative activities to do with kids!