Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Learning to juggle

Yesterday was crazy . . . or perhaps it was just me that was crazy! After Ellie's nap in the afternoon Josiah decided to have a freak-out. He was screaming and I was trying to get them both out of the house so we could go to Trader Joes (grocery store). Finally I had things together. I headed out the door w/ Josiah in his infant carrier, Ellie in the ergo carrier on my back, my keys in my hand and grocery bags on one shoulder, diaper bag on another! As I locked the door I realized that I left the house key inside. Oh well, not a problem since we have an extra key in the back patio - I decided I'd get that when we got home. Made it to the car, put the bags in the front seat and Josiah in his seat. Somehow from his side over to the other side Ellie managed to grab hand sanitizer and was consuming it as fast as she could. I got that away from her, put her in her seat and realized I had only put one shoe on her.

The trip to Trader Joes was uneventful. Josiah fell asleep on the way there and slept the whole time we shopped. I left him in his carseat and put it in the cart, Ellie was on my back in the ergo (a lifesaver). Ellie was so happy, smiling and laughing, giving me "hugs" from behind. She is just like me - needs to get out every so often and when she does it just lifts her spirits! What a social creature she is!

Once we arrived home I loaded Ellie back into the ergo, picked up Josiah's infant carrier, put the diaper bag on one shoulder, one of the grocery bags in one hand and left the other grocery bag beside the truck. Dropped everything but Ellie at the front door and ran back for the last grocery bag. Now I had to get inside. . . Josiah had woken up at this point and was hungry, so I propped a bottle up for him as best I could & took Ellie over to the side of our condo. Placed her down, with her balloon, telling her that momma would be right back. Jumped over the wall, ran to get the key and found the sliding glass door unlocked (oops!), ran inside, opened the front door and ran around to the side to rescue my now screaming little girl (mommmmma)!!

Inside we went while I unpacked and rescued Josiah from his seat so I could change him. My mother-in-law arrived a few minutes later and off Josiah & I went to hang out w/ my ladies group for dinner where I was involved in grown up conversation for the first time that day!


Anonymous said...

OK...after reading that...I'm seriously scared.

How has anyone survived having 2 (oh gosh! or even more) and lived to tell?

Jenna said...

wow. i'm exhausted!

Unknown said...

Wow! I feel for ya. Even though I don't go grocery shopping with my students, or transport them anywhere...I have found some of them to lose a shoe or two on occasion!

Love ya