Friday, November 6, 2009

First Time Away without the Kids

It's been 16 months since Josiah was born. 16 long and wonderful months of doing nothing but caring for my two very beautiful (and active) children. This weekend Chris and I are in Vegas for a conference (I haven't gambled once yet) without either of them! Thoughts so far . . .

Besides needing more blankets . . . I slept relatively well and I slept IN!

Didn't have my morning Yerba Matte (tea w/ just the right amount of caffeine) and could hardly stay away in the first two sessions at the conference this morning. I'll be drinking caffeine tomorrow morning.

Took a long NAP this afternoon - w/ absolutely NO guilt!

Have had meaningful adult conversations w/o my attention being divided!

Once I wrap my head around more of the conference I'll write a bit more about that :)

1 comment:

marie hurley said...

i brought a whole baggie of Mate to vegas! i would have loved to share! next time ;)