Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pottytraining Standstill (dun, dun, dun)

I would say that Josiah is 80% pottytrained. If we are out and I'm consistent it taking him he does GREAT. And he's 100% going poo on the potty - w/ or w/o underwear on. When we are home & he's naked he is probably 90 - 95% but when he's got underwear on - forget about it! I think we both just get busy w/ the day and forget! But the lights will click for him one of these days ...

The last few days he's been a little stinker by peeing whenever he feels like it ... even if his potty is RIGHT there! It used to be that he would have an accident and I would "find it" now he's been going and telling me about it!! I can't wait for this to be over so I can get my carpets steam cleaned and move on!

I think I probably started him a bit on the young side - would be easier to train them when they are 2 1/2 or 3 - like I did Ellie, but I was just done w/ diapers and having him poo in the toilet is a WAY better trade off!


Danna said...

Yes, it will all just click for him one day! I know how frustrating it is with the accidents. Clayton has finally figured it out and isn't deliberately peeing and pooping in places anymore. Now if I could get him to keep his pee in the toilet! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Hang in there! Totally normal to go through standstill(s) when you start as early as you did!! You're doing awesome!!

Tara Burton said...

thanks ladies!!
@ Am ... Boba review coming soon!!